Back pain is common and can be quite uncomfortable, but it’s important to know that it doesn’t always signal a serious condition. The most common cause of back pain is a muscle strain. Although the back structure remains strong, back muscles and nerve roots age and begin to weaken. Some people experience a “pop” when they are in severe pain, and some people develop lower back stiffness as they age. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize the risk of developing back pain and reduce the chances of having it for life.
One of the most important back pain treatments is to stay active. Staying active helps support the back’s natural range of motion, relieves pressure on the joints and supports the bones. In addition, staying active helps relieve pressure on the joints and bones. A positive attitude and more activity can help alleviate back pain and speed up your recovery. However, do not attempt to work out or lift heavy objects until your back pain has gone away. This can lead to constipation, which makes it harder to move around.
Other common causes of back pain are osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, and sports injuries. There is no single cause for back pain, but it’s important to seek treatment immediately. Depending on the type of pain, you may need to take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drug or even a prescription medication. Manual therapy can be a good option if your pain isn’t too severe.
X-rays are rarely used to diagnose back pain because they don’t show the soft tissues that cause the pain. MRI and CT scans are better options because they can detect changes in the spine without symptoms. MRI and CT scans can show the soft tissue damage that caused the back pain. A doctor will also order a bone-marrow biopsy if necessary, which is a surgical procedure that is performed when conservative measures fail.
The most common types of back pain are nonspecific. They occur for no apparent reason. Some people may experience nonspecific back pain only after lifting heavy objects. This type of pain is often uncomfortable and can be unsettling. Generally, it will go away within a few weeks. It’s important to talk with your doctor about the specifics of your situation and consult a physician if your symptoms don’t improve.
Patients with back pain should be encouraged to continue their activities. Oftentimes, they will have to stop working or exercising to treat their back pain. If they don’t get enough rest, they should consider other treatments to deal with their pain. For example, patients with chronic low back pain can continue to sleep on their stomach. But they should not try to sleep on their stomachs because this can cause a lot of back problems. They should bend their knees instead of sleeping on their side.